Hi there!

My Name is Mugdho

I talk about data, economy and productivity.

And This is my little corner on the web.

My name is G M Fahim Mugdho. For the last 7+ years, I have been involved in different startups trying to address major economic problems in Bangladesh. Among the startups I envisioned and am proud of, Rubik Print is on a challenging journey to transition a highly informal industry into a formal one; Babooi is purposed for making world-class brands in Bangladesh; Horin Branding and GetUp were our gratitude toward SMEs and paving growth opportunities which were exclusive to large corporations.  

In 2023, We are now facing a newfound reality in our economy and industries. Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Ecosystems are not in passenger seats anymore, now they have access to the engine room and will soon take over the driving seat. It is time for organizations and governments to embrace these unprecedented new technologies to redefine what’s possible. I am still a learner of this genre. But let’s learn together and positively impact through shared knowledge and collaboration.

My Projects

Learn how I became an data artist, and how I developed this particular style.

My Journal

Want to show my art in your gallery? Send me an email and we’ll chat.

Stay in Touch

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“Mugdho is more capable than he gives credit to himself. I have been working with for 7+ years, still finds moment of awe reguarly”

S.M. Waliullah
CEO, Rubik Print

“From apperance, Mugdho may seem like goody-two-shoes, but bare in mind, he is a badass genius with keen eyes for perspectives.”

G. Yamamoto
Managing Partner, GetX Ai